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We send out our newsletter on Friday, with the hope that it will inspire you to do something creative this weekend!

End Grain Walnut Cutting Board

Walunt End Grain Cutting Board
I have another cutting board to make.  I would have liked to make it out of maple, but I do not have any maple milled.  But I do still have a lot of walnut.  This time I want to make an end grain board.  Here are the steps I took to make it.

First, I cut 1 1/2 inch strips, 26 inches long.  I then jointed and planed them all to the same thickness and width so that I had square strips.

Author: Bill
Categories: Woodworking

Cutting Board Butter

Butcher Block Oil
I have been making my own cutting board finish, which I like to call Cutting Board Butter, made from bee's wax and mineral oil.  This is very easy to make.  You can order melting bee's wax pellets online.  Simply add them to a tin at a 50/50 ratio by weight and heat the tin.  A hot plate works well for this.

Once heated, stir well until well mixed, and allow to cool.  It makes a very nice paste wax.

Author: Bill
Categories: Shop Tips, Woodworking


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